During this weird weird time of the pandemic…and before we were issued a shelter in place here in Alabama, I had the absolute joy of capturing friends and neighbors on their porches in my neighborhood. You see, last December, I treated myself to a dream camera purchase: Hasselblad 500c. I was eager to start using it, but winter doesn’t really lend itself to be a busy season for me. I patiently awaited Spring, but with that came Covid-19. We are all in this together, and I wanted to showcase how connected we could all be while maintaining distance. One antsy night I thought it would be fun to reach out to my neighborhood to see if folks would be willing to let me come capture their PORCHrait. I had way more response than I thought and it was a marathon of a day! It gave me a beautiful way to flex some creative muscles, get practice with the Hasselblad, greet friends and meet new neighbors (from afar, of course.)

Below is the outcome of this awesome project! I’m so thankful for all of the interest and support! I have created a hardcover book to commemorate this Weird Start to 2020! You can find the 12×12 version here and the 7×7 version here!

These are presented in order of being photographed.